We offer good financing solutions when you are leasing equipment from us. Leasing can be used in both small and large companies and is often a better option than the entity to purchase the item itself.
Leasing is a way to reduce the need for borrowing. Leasing costs are fully tax deductible for the lessee.
Financial / operational leasing
The two main types of leases are operating and financial.
1. Operating leases are most like ordinary rent. The leasing company buys the property and leases it for a fee. Normally it leasingblolaget which stands for service, maintenance, insurance and certain financial risks.
2. Financial leasing is more like buying on the installment plan. The lessee is responsible for the financial risks of having the leased equipment. The lessee takes care of maintenance, service, insurance, etc. The ownership may, but need not, pass to the lessee by the end of the agreement period.
The design that is most common in Enar Lindstrom AB is now in consultation with the lessee agree on a time for leaseing and write leases, usually 2 - 5 years. The contract rent is specified and any residual value. Hire company may at the lease end purchase the item at the residual value.